Vital Vegas: RoboChef’s Cookie Shot Robot in Action at Caesars Palace
Vital Vegas takes a spin at our Cookie Shot Robot inside Caesars Palace—because in Vegas, even dessert is high-tech
RoboChef’s Cookie Shot Robot Featured on Caesars Palace Website
Caesars Palace is showcasing RoboChef’s Cookie Shot Robot, which has served over 90,000 customers and generated $750,000 in revenue—proof that automation is redefining dessert.
Celebrity influencer Michelle Monroe amazed by RoboChef Cookie Shot
Michelle Monroe gets a taste of the RoboChef Cookie Shot Robot at Caesars Palace—fresh, fun, and fully automated!
KTLA: Cookie Shot Robot at Caesars Palace Las Vegas
KLTV takes a look at RoboChef’s Cookie Shot Robot in action at Caesar’s Palace!
Forbes: Dominique Ansel’s Cookie Shot Gets a Robotic Upgrade at Caesars Palace
Forbes explores how Dominique Ansel’s famous Cookie Shot is now served robotically, around the clock, in the heart of Las Vegas.
Fox 54: Smart Cookie Robot at NASA’s Dipwich Restaurant Delivers Sweet Treats and Labor Savings
Fox 54 takes a look at the first-ever Smart Cookie Robot at NASA’s Dipwich restaurant, exploring how automation is transforming food service.
The Spoon: A Cookie Robot is Pumping Out That New Cookie Smell in Huntsville, Alabama
The Spoon recently featured RoboChef’s SmartKiosk in action at Dipwich Sandwich Shop.
RoboChef Featured on Ottomate: Baking the Future with Smart Cookie
Ottmate gives an exclusive look at RoboChef’s Smart Cookie kiosk, revealing how robotics and culinary creativity are reshaping food automation.